Sunday 22 February 2009

Red circle of death!

I cant believe it! My xbox 360 has just died on me. I was playing fifa 09 earlier today then tonight when i switched it on BAM! flashing red lights. Totally goosed! Went onto xbox support and booked in a repair but this will take weeks. Just cant believe it!

Anyways other than that, my car has also died on me. I have that booked in for repair in the morning. Seems everything in my life is breaking lol.

Catcha later

Tuesday 17 February 2009

light at the end of the tunnel?

when you'r having a rough time in your life you normally hear people comment and say "There is always a bright light at the end of the tunnel" i used to think this phrase was bollocks! Reason being is over the past year ive had loads of strain in my life, to which i will not go into detail with, but basically ive not had it easy lately, felt like everything was falling down on top of me, felt nothing was going right for me. To give you an example, me and my girlfriend decided to get a flat together so we could move in and take our relationship up a notch, we had seen a few houses and the excitment grew, we found the flat that both of us love and wanted, as soon as we got accepted for this flat my job situation changed, they had advised our whole company that we would be on 90 days notice to be made redundant! I could not believe this, i have so many financial ties aswell as taking on this flat with my girlfriend, so it came basically at the wrong time!!

My life seems to be on a mellow just now, and what i mean by this is that my life seems to be slowing down, yes this is a good thing, normally my life would be going at full pace, problem after problem, but just recently with my getting my new job, my girlfriend about to start her new job, i feel my life just seems to be slowing down again, i'll tell you something, it has been absolute ages since i have felt at ease, this whole financial crunch has seem to hit everything, its amazing at how fast the world has taken a complete hit!

Basically the point to my blog is i seem to be on the way to being happy again, my life seems to be going the way i want, my family and i have also rebuilt our relationship since our fall out, me and my girlfriend are doing really well too, the only thing missing now in my life is football ha ha YES i do love football, i have such a big passion for it and i cant ever seeing this changing,


Saturday 14 February 2009

Valentines.. The big fuss

Well as i begin to write this blog on my phone the time ticks 12.01 so i guess its officially valentines day! Me and my good mrs went to tesco today and they had shelfs full of valentines gifts and loads of people rushing about getting last minute items for their loved ones.

Me personally am not a big fan of occasions like valentines day, easter and so on, i feel these occasions are so commercialised, a way for shops to make money, they say valentines day is to show that loved one you love them. Being with someone, are you not suppose to show that person on a daily basis and not just that one day?

My girlfriend is big on days like this, she likes the fuss and likes to buy stuff, personally i could do with skipping the day but cant because its important to my girl.

Me and lana are going away for the day to celebrate, that should be fun. Adios